When was the last time one of your research suppliers…
- Took the time with you to understand your strategic decisions driving a particular research request?
- Created an initial survey draft that demonstrated a strong understanding of your own business as well as your competitive environment?
- Consistently provided clear, “what do we do next?” advice instead of vague, soft-pedaled conclusions?
- Saved your research budget by re-working existing data to successfully answer a new research question instead of proposing a new study?
- Came to you unsolicited with a fresh idea for your organization – or simply passed-along an article or tidbit they thought would benefit you?
- Were viewed by you a really valuable asset – or even a competitive advantage?
In short, do you keep hiring research suppliers hoping for a smart, fully-vested research partner but instead find yourself repeatedly working with something less impressive?
If your Mystery Date is always a Dud and never a Dream, it’s probably time to give us a call.
Our best clients use us as their adjunct research departments, providing us an opportunity to engage in a deeper relationship with their organization and people. From that depth comes even sharper, on-target support – both in terms of formal study recommendations as well as informal consulting and advice between studies.