Back in 1995—when virtually all of our clients worked in “Market Research” departments, we recognized that our point of difference would be in the quality of insights we provided. As such, we launched the company as Consumer Insights, Inc. Under that name, we built a broad base of clients and industries almost entirely by referrals from satisfied customers. And every new category we enter has made us smarter across the other categories we research. Our clients gain from this cross-fertilization of ideas as we apply fresh thinking to all of our accounts.
With most of our clients now working in “Consumer Insights” or “Customer Insights” departments and relying more heavily on impersonal tools such as web analytics and “big data,” we reflected on our name and decided it was time for a change. In 2016, we transitioned to our new name, Emicity, to better reflect what has continued to be our primary point of difference: the ability to get into the heads and hearts of customers at a deeper, more emic level than any other research company.