We at Consumer Insights have been stewing about our company name for a few years. When I incorporated back in 1995, advertising agencies and primary clients had market research or customer research departments—prior to this company I had worked in both. The term strategic planning wasn’t used yet, and the idea of insights may have been tossed around among researchers, but it hadn’t been codified at a corporate level. From the start, we wanted to differentiate ourselves on the strength of our analysis—our ability to dig for deeper insights, to go beyond reporting the numbers descriptively and provide our clients with a clear path forward—so Consumer Insights, Inc. seemed like a timeless way to describe what we’re all about. Fast forward to 2005 or so, and we started noticing that primary client contacts were evolving into new titles—often things like “Director of Consumer Insights” or “Customer Insights Manager.” “AAAAAaaaaack!” we cried…we had inadvertently become the Kleenex of market research companies. When we did our own research on our first round of new name ideas last year, an interesting dynamic came back in the verbatims from current clients. The first was concern over abandoning a clear name and transitioning our 20-year reputation to a new name—and the other was, interestingly enough, a widespread recognition that we as a partner were clearly more than our name implied. It was the second sentiment that solidified our decision to take a calculated risk and move forward as Emicity. Let’s hope our new name will help carry us forward in our next 20 years in business!